Following the meeting on 7 February 2018, witnesses agreed to provide information on the following:

·         Number of children and young people currently waiting for a neurodevelopmental assessment, and the length of wait they are facing

·         A breakdown of your percentage spend on CAMHS

·         Are you currently commissioning advocacy provision for children and young people (including IMHA)?

The following information was received by e-mail on 5 March 2018 from Powys Teaching Health Board

In terms of the Neurodevelopmental Service our response is as follows:

·         Due to recruitment difficulties, the ND service only launched in earnest from the 1st February. Therefore to date we have received 9 new referrals.


·         However, prior to this date we had the Social Communication Assessment Team (SCAT) which dealt with children with ASD. There are 65 children in the process of being assessed which we need to clear before moving forward with the new ND service (which will include children with both ASD and ADHD).*  We anticipate that this will take approximately 3 months.  In addition, previously children with ADHD were managed by the Consultant Community Paediatricians. We can confirm that all children received a first appointment before 26 weeks although the assessment may not necessarily be concluded. Consequently we are also focussed on completing these assessments. Therefore we will see the 9** new ND referrals as soon as the backlog of SCAT/ADHD has been cleared, but hopefully within the next 4 months.

* On 12 March, it was confirmed by e-mail that the 65 were all ASD. 

** On 12 March, it was confirmed by e-mail that the previous figure of 9 waiting for a neurodevelopment assessment had increased to 28







In terms of advocacy:

·         Powys Teaching Health Board and Powys County Council commission Tros Gynnal Plant to provide advocacy service through a Mid and West Wales contract. They are independent.


In terms of % spend:


·         These percentages are based on our staffing Establishment (including vacancies) as at December 2017 and not our budget.

·         The figure includes an allocation for management across all posts.

·         The Summary data excludes S083 Neuro-Developmental.


Calculations based on December 2017 Establishment







Crisis & CTT






Seconded Out




